The Tolleson Family is a homeschool family. Our children are encouraged to think independently, develop their entrepreneurial skills, problem solve, be creative, ask questions, and increase their independence. Our curriculum includes reading, writing, communication development, entrepreneurial skills development, second language basics, art, crafts, cooking, history, science, and farm skills development.
Our homeschool program's foundation is set firmly on traditional Christian Biblical values. We start each day in prayer thanking God for His love and grace. We also sing faith songs, color pictures from the Bible, do arts and crafts focused on faith, read children Bible stories, and encourage our children to have a steadfast and happy journey in their faith of God.
We allow and encourage other parents, homeschool and otherwise, to spend time with us on our homeschool journey.
Faith in God alone sets our children on the path of grace and love.
To teach our children to be God-centered and believers in the order of God is to develop a life where they are stable, steadfast, and lovers of what is right.
Communication Skills
Effective communication skills are essential to our children navigating the world around them.
We teach our children how to calmly and rationally communicate. This ability will assist them immensely later in life. It is essential our children know how to deal with the toughest of circumstances with a steady hand.
We greatly encourage intellectual, artistic, and physical creativity. Such creativity allows for the free and unaltered development of our children's personality.
We teach our children how to further develop their
God-given entrepreneurial and creative mindsets allowing them to gain confidence in themselves and their ideas.
Independent thought is the foundation in the construction of a child's self identity.
This form of thinking allows our children to grow into adults and not to become blind followers, but Christians who are able to see truth and turn away from the lies taught in our society today.
Our Homeschool Classroom
Our homeschool classroom is located at our home and our place of business. We decided to homeschool in order to give our children a Biblically based and truthful upbringing.
Our Homeschool Teacher
Mrs. Tolleson
Mrs. Tolleson's love for children, their development, and their happiness makes her an excellent teacher of our youth. She is passionate about teaching children where their food comes from, how to raise food themselves and how to delisiously cook their food. Critical thinking, creativity, and independent thought are the core principles of Mrs. Tolleson's teaching style. She encourages children to problem solve on their own offering gentle guidance only when necessary.
Mrs. Tolleson has a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science and a Masters of Business Adminitration.